First and foremost, knowing the Word of God is an excellent response to the question that we should also answer to move towards the right direction in our lives—reading the Scriptures, knowing by heart the Word of God, meditating at all times on it, and applying it. It crucially means getting knowledge, wisdom, and understanding from no other book but the one that is mind-fulfilling, heart-touching, and soul-inspiring: the Bible.


To receive knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, read the Scriptures daily, meditating regularly on the Words in it for the soul. Understanding that the Word shall constantly be in our mouth for profitable doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness will make us feel complete and equipped to win the ups and downs of daily human life battles (2 Timothy 3:16).


Moreover, the Word of God provides meaningful ways of prosperity and great success in all our doings. The Scriptures (Joshua 1:8) bring out complete consciousness and subconsciousness to mind activation in clinging to the Scriptures and activating your mouth to speak the Word and consciously applying it to your life, remaining strong and brave.


Joyfully learning the Bible should help us know what the will of God is and what its purpose is for our future. It brings forth mental, emotional, and spiritual wisdom and discernment for daily life and the future.  In other words, learning to read the Word of God is extremely important because it could save us from making the wrong decisions.


As a matter of fact, for example, if the neighbor hates us, it has been written that a believer should not pay back hate with evil, but instead, it is an expectation that we should do good and love our neighbor as we love ourselves, which is what the second commandment demands from us (Matthew 22:39).


Furthermore,  we should have a joyful and intense desire to know the Bible’s commandments, statutes, and ordinances. Undoubtedly, it is about learning the history and laws throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament changes, leading to walking under the law of the Spirit.


Read, meditate, and apply the Scriptures continuously to avoid quenching the Spirit                       (1 Thessalonians 5:19), which is devastating to the soul. It shall also prevent us from despising the prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:20) when we listen to the spoken Words of a believer.  However, the Scriptures allow us to test all things, holding quickly to the good side of it   (1 Thessalonians 5:21). We are born in a sinful world to carry our sins, the sins committed by past generations, including our ancestors.


We can break the cycle by learning the heavenly laws that the Bible shows us. Therefore, meditate on it day and night to support the spiritual renewal that transforms our inner soul and character, building a mindful, thoughtful, and heartful human being with godly-like behavior.







































































































































































































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